Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How can some people not like chocolate?

                I used to wonder if chocolate haters were really human. When chocolate is used to advertise almost every holiday it is hard to imagine there are people out there that just don’t like it. I love chocolate so much I just could not understand, so I looked in to it and found a few reasons for this poor disorder.
Disclaimer: This does not include allergies, because I’m pretty sure if they could eat it they would love it too.

1. Genetics- Maybe it’s your family’s fault. If you find you come from a long        line of chocolate haters you  should try and seek a chocolate lover for          marriage to hopefully fix this problem. Everyone should love chocolate.
2. Experience- I totally understand the experience thing. I for one have            trouble with beans thanks to my brother and some awful experience I          have blocked out of my brain. My only suggestion to you, you poor soul        is that you work hard to find you chocolate love. It’s in there; you just            got to eat a lot.
3. Culture- If you run with a bad crowd they are bound to wear off on you.         FIND NEW FRIENDS!
4. Gender- Of course we all know women love chocolate more than men,          but really I just think men tone it down so they don’t have to fight a                women over chocolate. Men you will lose.
5. Texture- Chocolate can come in many textures. You can drink it, eat it,          lick it, and chew it. It comes soft, hard, creamy, crunchy, smooth, thick          (mouth coating), and sticky. You got hot, cold, frozen, and room temp. If        you don’t like one just try another.
6. Taste- This one I’m a little lost on. There are 2 and a half chocolate                flavors; dark, milk, and white (the half). If you don’t like the normal                choices you can always find something else. Now a day’s there is                  no flavor combination to weird. Everything goes with chocolate; you just      have to find what goes with you. 

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